It's alive! After many years of wishing, and several weeks of actual work, our new image uploader is now available for use. This simple tool totally revolutionizes content management workflow. Previously you had to either upload the images to the library first, before adding some content (e.g. write a blog, sell a home, add a product, etc), or you had to add the images later (because you forgot) then go back and edit the record. Very cumbersome and annoying.
Well now that has all changed. We have created a great new image uploader that is available directly on any page you are editing. You can select an existing image from your library, or switch to the "Upload" tab and browse your computer. You can then select multiple images, set which category (if any) they should be related to, choose if you want to resize multiple sizes, set one custom size, or use an existing image profile, and then it uploads all the images with a very nice progress bar for those of us that like reassurance that something is indeed happening. When the images are uploaded they are saved to your library, and they also appear above in the "Selected Images" area. Forgot an image? No problem, browse again and upload until you have all the images you want. The "Selected Images" can be reordered with simple dragging. And you can delete images by clicking the trash can that appears on mouse over.
It's simple, and makes things so much more convenient. We will be extending this functionality for files and multimedia, and eventually integrating a similar style uploader in the Image, File, and Multimedia Library itself (which currently has an old single file uploader with no progress bar).
We hope you enjoy it as much as us! Many more great features like this are planned and being created. We want the entire Admin Control Panel to be this easy and fun to use.
—Drew Matter
Assistant Pastor, City Church Philadelphia